parseJSON bug

Tofu Ninja emmons0 at
Thu Aug 8 15:23:35 PDT 2013

On Thursday, 8 August 2013 at 21:40:46 UTC, David wrote:
> Am 08.08.2013 22:15, schrieb Tofu Ninja:
>> On Thursday, 8 August 2013 at 18:31:52 UTC, David wrote:
>>> Am 08.08.2013 20:24, schrieb Adam D. Ruppe:
>>>> On Thursday, 8 August 2013 at 17:33:38 UTC, David wrote:
>>>>> I made a pull request improving the API a few weeks ago,
>>>>> no one seems to really care.
>>>> Phobos needs a new dictator.
>>> Either that, or I will soon start my own standard lib and 
>>> stop caring
>>> about phobos. I think, I even know a few who would help me...
>> It is really bad that people are actually talking about 
>> starting there
>> own standard lib, I wasn't around for the whole phobos vs 
>> tango thing
>> but from what I hear, it wasn't pretty. If there is problems 
>> with phobos
>> or the way its managed, I feel like we should try and fix them 
>> and not
>> try to replace it.
> phobos is actually useable, still I don't like many of its 
> design
> choices. I feel the same with D. D itself is better than most 
> languages,
> I still think there is a long way to go, but "official" D 
> people seem
> like it's enough and block progress (e.g. @property/-property 
> the whole
> situation is a mess, but instead of properly reimplementing it, 
> they try
> to fix an already broken system and break code with it, why not 
> break
> code once, but replace it with a proper system)

I can understand how you feel, I do sort of feel like people are 
way to scared of breaking changes and it causing things that 
badly need to be fix to not be...  but still, I don't think a 
whole new standard lib would do much good

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