Have Win DMD use gmake instead of a separate DMMake makefile?
Nick Sabalausky
SeeWebsiteToContactMe at semitwist.com
Sat Aug 10 17:58:24 PDT 2013
On Sat, 10 Aug 2013 17:23:08 -0700
Jonathan M Davis <jmdavisProg at gmx.com> wrote:
> On Saturday, August 10, 2013 17:14:35 H. S. Teoh wrote:
> > On Sat, Aug 10, 2013 at 04:21:45PM -0700, Jonathan M Davis wrote:
> > > On Saturday, August 10, 2013 14:35:04 Nick Sabalausky wrote:
> > > > Is this something that would be acceptable, or does building
> > > > DMD for Windows need to stay as DM make?
> > >
> > > I don't see any problem with it, but that doesn't mean that Walter
> > > won't.
> > >
> > > Another suggestion that I kind of liked was to just build them all
> > > with a single script written in D and ditch make entirely, which
> > > would seriously reduce the amount of duplication across
> > > platforms. But that's obviously a much bigger change and would
> > > likely be much more controversial than simply using a more
> > > standard make.
> >
> > [...]
> >
> > I'm all for ditching make. What about this:
> >
> > - We write a small D app that automatically scans all dependencies
> > and generates a shell script / .BAT file / whatever the target
> > platform uses, that contains compile commands that builds DMD and a
> > make replacement written in D. This is for bootstrapping.
> >
> > - The make replacement written in D can then be used to rebuild DMD,
> > build druntime, Phobos, etc..
> >
> > The first step is what makes this all work, 'cos you'll need to
> > already have a working D compiler before step 2 is usable. (Either
> > that, or ship binaries, but then you'll get people complaining
> > about their platform of choice not being supported, the binaries
> > being incompatible with their quirky installation of system
> > libraries, etc..) Once DMD is built, we can junk the script / .BAT
> > file and use the D make-replacement from then on.
> Since we're going to be porting dmd to D, which will force you to
> have a D compiler to build the D compiler anyway, I don't see any
> reason to jump through hoops to make anything bootstrappable. In the
> long run, you're going to have to either start with a dmd which
> compiled with C++ or cross-compile it from a machine which already
> has dmd, which is exactly the same boat that C/C++ are in. It's just
> that they've been around a lot longer, are supported on more
> platforms, and don't change as much.
A fair point, although cross-compiling can be a real pain. But maybe
that's not too big of an issue: after all, how often would it need to
be done? And we could always still resort to building H.S.'s idea if
such became necessary.
I guess the big question is (largely posed at D's leaders, top dogs and
OS-package builders):
Have we reached a point where we would be comfortable ditching the
makefiles, given a sufficiently well-written D-based alternative?
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