Have Win DMD use gmake instead of a separate DMMake makefile?
Dejan Lekic
dejan.lekic at gmail.com
Tue Aug 13 00:42:44 PDT 2013
On Monday, 12 August 2013 at 16:29:36 UTC, H. S. Teoh wrote:
> On Mon, Aug 12, 2013 at 11:16:19AM +0100, Russel Winder wrote:
>> On Sun, 2013-08-11 at 15:41 -0700, H. S. Teoh wrote:
>> > On Sun, Aug 11, 2013 at 09:26:11AM +0100, Russel Winder
>> > wrote:
>> > > On Sat, 2013-08-10 at 14:27 -0400, Nick Sabalausky wrote:
>> > > […]
>> > > > is discovering and dealing with all the fun little
>> > > > differences
>> > > > between the posix and win32 makefiles (and now we have
>> > > > some
>> > > > win64 makefiles as well).
>> > > […]
>> > >
>> > > Isn't this sort of problem solved by using SCons, Waf or
>> > > (if you
>> > > really have to) CMake?
>> > [...]
>> >
>> > +1. But people around here seems to have a beef against
>> > anything
>> > that isn't make. *shrug*
>> Make was a revolution and a revelation in 1977, it changed my
>> life.
>> However, it is sad to see projects such as Rust, Julia and D
>> clinging
>> to a 35 year old build concept when it has been proved time
>> and time
>> again that external DSL frameworks for build do not work for
>> cross-platform working. Only internal DSL build frameworks have
>> succeeded in that arena, cf. Gradle, SBT, SCons, Waf,…
> +1. If I were the one making the decisions, I'd go for SCons.
> Or tup
> (http://gittup.org/tup/), but tup seems to be currently
> posix-specific,
> so SCons still wins if you want cross-platform building.
>> The only part of this thread that has any up side at all is to
>> ditch
>> all build frameworks and write the build in D over the
>> bootstrap D
>> that will be essential for the D build since D is written in
>> D. It's a
>> pity Rust hasn't twigged to this.
> I think the D build tool should extend / be built on top of
> rdmd to be
> able to handle non-D sources. Once we have that, we basically
> already
> have a working build system.
>> I note that the Go tooling is written is C and Go, they
>> ditched make
>> when they realized their vision for packaging – which works
>> very well
>> indeed, particularly pulling in source packages from GitHub,
>> BitBucket
>> and Launchpad, compiling and installing the compiled package
>> into the
>> appropriate place for use.
> I ditched make about a decade ago, and I would never go back if
> I had
> the choice. Sadly, most of the rest of the world still seems
> stuck in
> that quagmirem, unable to move on.
>> On the other hand, I bet a cross-platform SCons build of D
>> could be in
>> place and production within days as opposed to the
>> <substitute-your-favourite-long-time> that a D rewrite in D
>> will take.
>> It doesn't matter than the SCons build may be thrown away down
>> the
>> line, it solves a problem now for not that much effort.
> What do you say? Let's throw together an SConstruct for DMD,
> druntime,
> and phobos, and submit a pull for it?
> The only downside is that I can predict people will start
> complaining
> about the Python dependency. (Which is why I proposed writing a
> build
> system in D -- it will be superior to make (anything would
> be!), and
> people will have no excuse about what language it's written in.)
>> Still if the core D community are clinging to "build == make",
>> then
>> they will have to suffer the irritant of having to have a
>> separate
>> build system for each and every platform. That's they way Make
>> is.
> [...]
> I used to evangelize SCons to everybody I meet... but after
> people
> adamantly refused to abandon their precious outdated crappy
> makefiles, I
> gave up. If they wish to continue suffering, it's not really my
> business
> to stop them.
I am one of them. In my real life I use Maven most of the time,
but for absolutely everything else, including (small/toy) Java
projects, I use GNU Make. I know it is does not really matter to
many people, but honestly, Make exists on EVERY platform I have
ever tried. We have OpenVMS servers here for an example. Guess
what, make works like a charm there, and everybody knows
(more/less) how to use it. :)
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