Ideas for a brand new widget toolkit

Andrej Mitrovic andrej.mitrovich at
Tue Aug 13 11:52:16 PDT 2013

On 8/13/13, Gary Willoughby <dev at> wrote:
> e.g. Here's a small open source project i created 12+ years ago
> to provide a UI for another small project all using Tkinter:

Small note: I'm working on an updated D wrapper around Tk v8.6. There
was a project like this called Dkinter, but it got abandoned 5 years
ago (and was largely incomplete), so I've started my own wrappping
effort. I think an alpha version should be ready in ~10 weeks, maybe
more (I hate to guess time schedules like this, and I'm rather busy
these days, but the progress is steady).

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