My thoughts on D

Larry deco33 at
Mon Aug 19 03:10:57 PDT 2013


Maybe nobody cares, maybe not.

I use D for a month now.

It is great, the community is great.
Really easy to handle it enables to get the productivity it 


I used to run c++. I don't even want to look at my codes now.

Instead, I run python along with D.

D is very powerful.

But it suffers in the details.

1) The library is getting wider. Good. But as of now, it is still 
TOO MUCH in the c++ style, in which you have to go to github to 
grab some non official libraries.
Sometimes it works, sometimes it won't (of course it will compile 
but not easy to use or error prone -> not a good standard for a 

2) In comparison, when you use Python, everything is under your 
hand. No real need to go on github or so on to keep working. 
Everything feels "safe".
We miss a "gathering point". A bit like pip or the deprecated 

3) Some pages are not documented properly. And, as i am not 
someone pointing out the problems and hiding when time comes to 
propose solutions/solve them, I cannot even figure out the way 
some standard libraries are expected to work.
(e.g:json; the might be helpful but, common, we should 
have it directly here, not traversing the web (exagerated) to 
find a clue).

4) Even the merge with 4.9 is no help on these points. Gathering 
people, yes, showing them a path to follow to be able to stick 
together, double yes.
But the latter seems, ATM, a big no.
I know many of you are really smart, so just take this 
mataphorism : Napoleon, even if one of the greatest commander, 
would have got far if no backed by generals and a great army 
knowing where it is going.
Let's make a courtesy to D : please do not let it be jailed in 
Elbe island. It only asks to fly.

It is definitely not a bad criticism, please do not take it for 
such platitude.
I would like to see D far beyond what it is currently.

You made a GREAT job. Now, let the community help. We need 
batteries included (python-like). Then everyone will like it: 
compiled-ultra speed + great useful and centralized libraries.

English is not my native speaking, please be kind with it :)



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