My thoughts on D

qznc qznc at
Mon Aug 19 06:51:32 PDT 2013

On Monday, 19 August 2013 at 12:03:14 UTC, Jason King wrote:
>> is absolutely helpless.
>> It is that : details.
> Larry has a point here.  I suppose the DDoc is better than 
> nothing, but it doesn't give me a clue how to actually use the 
> package.
> But enough complaining, to improve the documentation would I
> 1) clone Phobos in github
> 2) improve the docs on my branch
> 3) request a (merge|pull|whatever the git verb is to apply my 
> changes)
> Assuming that path is correct, to whom would I send the request 
> to perform #3?
> If that path isn't correct how would I go about improving the 
> docs for a part of Phobos?
> I'm willing to read code and put together examples as long as 
> they are of some general utility.  If I'm just doing it by 
> myself for myself it's not worth my time.

The wiki has the definite answers.

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