Unable to build deimos/libX11 with ldc2

Adam D. Ruppe destructionator at gmail.com
Mon Aug 19 12:25:02 PDT 2013

BTW what do you plan to do with the libx11? You might find my 
simpledisplay.d (also depends on color.d) interesting from my 
miscellaneous github:


It provides a class called SimpleWindow that supports basic 
drawing and some input stuff (input is in the middle of an 
overhaul right now, I'm fixing a lot of bugs and will be posting 
that new code online in a few days, but even right now it still 
works for checking ascii keys at least), on top of Xlib, with 
equivalent code for Windows in there too so your same program can 
compile cross platform.

Though I've never tried to compile it on ldc either, I did my own 
xlib bindings (included in the same simpledisplay.d file) so it 
might work; surely won't have the *same* bugs at least.

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