Why I chose D over Ada and Eiffel
spam at thanks.no
Tue Aug 20 16:52:15 PDT 2013
On Tuesday, 20 August 2013 at 23:44:37 UTC, H. S. Teoh wrote:
> On Wed, Aug 21, 2013 at 01:33:34AM +0200, John Colvin wrote:
>> I think you might enjoy https://github.com/conformal/xombrero/
>> snapshots here:
>> https://opensource.conformal.com/snapshots/xombrero/
>> although they're a month or so old and I had to edit the URL
>> to get
>> there... They clearly don't want any noobs haha
>> I just built from source and it works very nicely, very
>> minimalist.
> Interesting, I'll have to take a look at this sometime when I
> have some
> free time. Thanks!
> In any case, I hope the keyboard interface isn't just something
> tacked
> on, as it's not as simple as it may look to design a keyboard
> interface
> that's efficient on a webpage, where you need to balance between
> navigating logical structure to find links, and providing visual
> navigation keys (ala Opera <=12). This is one aspect where I
> find Elinks
> lacking -- in a multicolumn layout the keys for navigating
> links leave a
> lot to be desired.
Nope. Don't worry. xombrero (formerly named "xxxterm") is
seriously keyboard driven. I happen to use it because I dont want
the whole web bloat. It also offers quite interesting control
through a simple keyboard interface. From what I have read so far
from you you gonna love it.
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