Possible solution to template bloat problem?

Ramon spam at thanks.no
Tue Aug 20 18:46:33 PDT 2013

On Tuesday, 20 August 2013 at 22:58:24 UTC, John Colvin wrote:
> On Tuesday, 20 August 2013 at 22:49:40 UTC, Ramon wrote:
>> Happily I'm stupid and completely missed the condescending 
>> tone of an evident genius. Instead I'll just be grateful that 
>> it pleased one of the D masters to drop some statement down at 
>> me at all.
>>> Awesome, thank you and keep destroying.
>> "destroying"??? Which part of "not to bash it" and of "D means 
>> a lot to me" and of "D is, no doubts, an excellent and modern 
>> incarnation of C/C++. As
>> far as I'm concerned D is *the* best C/C++ incarnation ever,
>> hands down." was too complicated to understand for your genius 
>> brain?
> I knew this would happen at some point:
> Andrei uses "destroy" as a positive term to denote a 
> well-reasoned powerful argument/response.
> Chill :)


Well, where I live "to destroy" has a pretty clear and very 
negative meaning.
I took that post (of Mr. Alexandrescu) as very rude and 
condescending and I do not intend to change my communication 
habits so as to understand "to destroy" as a positive statement 
or even a compliment. While I'm certainly not in a position to 
look down on J. Ichbiah, N. Wirth, and B. Meyer, I have certainly 
not spent the last 25+ years without understanding a thing or two 
about my profession, no matter what Mr. Alexandrescu seems to 

No matter what Mr. Alexandrescu thinks or likes/dislikes or how 
he behaves I recognize (and praise) D as a very major improvement 
on C/C++ and as a very attractive language (by no means only for 
system programming).
Furthermore I recognize and respect Mr. Alexandrescu's profound 
knowledge of D and the (assumed and highly probable) value of his 
book and thank him for his work.

Maybe I'm simply profitting from my being a lowly retarded 
creature who, as some kind of a generous compensation by nature, 
is capable to recognize the knowledge and work of others 
irrespective of their being friendly or rightout rude and 

As for Mr. Alexandrescu's book, I'm glad to report that I will no 
longer need to molest him with my lowly requests. I have found a 
way to buy an epub version (through InformIt/Pearson). "D The 
programming language" has been bought and already downloaded and 
I'm looking forward to learn quite a lot about D from it.

Regards - R.

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