Add duration parsing to core.time?
Jonathan M Davis
jmdavisProg at
Tue Aug 20 23:46:30 PDT 2013
On Tuesday, August 20, 2013 15:35:20 Jonathan M Davis wrote:
> On Tuesday, August 20, 2013 17:57:19 Justin Whear wrote:
> > While working on a configuration file parser, I found myself trying to
> > decide which units to use for various time variables (e.g.
> > `expireInterval`) which is silly because we have an excellent Duration
> > structure in core.time. I was pleased to discover that Duration has a
> > toString method which prints a nice, human-readable description.
> > Unfortunately, there appears to be no corresponding parse method. Turns
> > out that it's surprisingly easy to write thanks to the existing
> > functionality in std.conv:
> >
> > It appears that DPaste stumbles over the unicode 'μs' in the units enum,
> > so here's a test invocation and output:
> >
> > $ dmd -unittest test_duration.d && ./test_duration '12 hours, 30 minutes'
> > '1w2d20m12h5m2s'
> > 12 hours and 30 minutes
> > 1 week, 2 days, 12 hours, 25 minutes, and 2 secs
> >
> > I've made the implementation more flexible than simply parsing the very
> > standard output of Duration.toString by adding more unit synonyms and
> > making whitespace, commas, and 'and' optional. All this really requires
> > is a sequence of digits followed by a unit name, possibly repeating;
> > leading to the very compact form used in '1w2d20m12h5m2s'.
> > All validation is performed by the two calls to std.conv.parse, so
> > invalid strings should fail (e.g. 'four madeupunits').
> >
> > One possible improvement is to support written-out numbers such as
> > "seven" and "forty-two", but I suspect this would entail a much more
> > involved implementation.
> >
> > Thoughts on including something like this core.time? My thought is that
> > Duration could have a `this(string)` with a non-consuming version of this
> > function for automatic to! support in addition to providing parse.
> If such a function were added, it would be fromString on Duration, and it
> would accept the exact format that toString uses (and only that format).
> Anything more complicated would have to be part of a functionality relating
> to user-defined format strings, which I haven't finished yet. That'll
> probably end up in std.datetime.format at some point after I've finished
> splitting std.datetime.
And actually, I really don't like the idea of adding a function for parsing
the result of Duration's toString. Duration's toString was intended for human
legibility, not for being written out and the read in again. std.datetime has
several to*String functions with corresponding from*String functions, but
they're all in standard formats, whereas Duration's toString is not. So, if
any kind of from*String is going to be added to Duration, then a standard
format needs to be used and a corresponding to*String function created. There
are several standard formats for dates and times, so I assume that there's one
for durations as well, but I'd have to look into it. Preferably something from
ISO 8601 would be used if it has a standard string format for durations, since
that's the main ISO standard for time-related stuff.
In general, I'm very much opposed to functions which try and parse arbitrary
strings as they're incredibly error-prone and have to guess at what you mean.
In pretty much any case where the string was emitted by a computer in the first
place rather than a human, that's just plain sloppy, and ideally, a human
would be required to put a string in a standard format when inputting it (or
input the values separately rather than as a string) in order to avoid
intepretation errors.
- Jonathan M Davis
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