Possible solution to template bloat problem?

Ramon spam at thanks.no
Wed Aug 21 10:35:39 PDT 2013

On Wednesday, 21 August 2013 at 16:50:17 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu 
> Probably not worth belaboring the point, but OP's reaction made 
> me feel guilty enough to go back and re-read 
> http://goo.gl/mJU68I. It's a bummer that Ramon took issue with 
> it, but I'd be insincere to apologize for what I see as no 
> wrongdoing. This may be a cultural difference seeing as OP's 
> rhetoric and literary mannerisms are quite a bit different from 
> the usual on this forum.
> Andrei

What a vulgarily cheap shot (on multiple levels).

But then, the D book he wrote is quite good and some of his 
contributions to D are really brilliant.
Do I care whether the bookkeeper has what it takes to be 
significant on a human, character or culture level? Nope. As long 
as he counts the beans without destroying too much I'm satisfied.

So, thank you, Mr. Alexandrescu

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