Why I chose D over Ada and Eiffel
Paulo Pinto
pjmp at progtools.org
Wed Aug 21 10:42:59 PDT 2013
On Wednesday, 21 August 2013 at 17:17:52 UTC, deadalnix wrote:
> On Wednesday, 21 August 2013 at 16:50:38 UTC, Ramon wrote:
>> I am *not* against keeping an eye on performance, by no means.
>> Looking at Moore's law, however, and at the kind of computing
>> power available nowadays even in smartphones, not to talk
>> about 8 and 12 core PCs, I feel that the importance of
>> performance is way overestimated (possibly following a
>> formertimes justified tradition).
> Moor's law is kaput, finish, niet, we don't know how to use the
> extra transistor.
>> We need not look further than on our very desk. Basically all
>> major OSes as well as all major software is riddled with bugs,
>> problems, and considerable lack of security. - And - basically
>> all major OSes and to a large degree software is written in -
>> ? - languages of the C family. Coincidence?
> A vast amount of software is written in javascript, java, C#,
> PHP and many "safe" languages, and still are crippled with bugs.
> Some codebase are trully scary. Look at gdb's source code or
> gtk's.
> You want no bugs ? Go for Haskell. But you'll get no
> convenience or performance. The good thing if that if it does
> compile, you are pretty sure that it does the right thing.
While I agree with you, if C hadn't become mainstream the
spectrum of
bugs at the OS level would be much lower.
Given the amount of errors caused by pointer arithmetic, buffer
and string manipulations. All of which are easily avoidable in
systems programming languages from the early 80's.
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