Download page needs a tidy up
Tyler Jameson Little
beatgammit at
Wed Aug 21 20:37:48 PDT 2013
On Thursday, 22 August 2013 at 03:07:39 UTC, Manu wrote:
> So I'm trying to find windows binaries for GDC and LDC...
> First place I look is Appears to be for
> DMD... keep
> looking.
> I look at the GDC/LDC wiki pages. No links to binaries anywhere.
> GDC and LDC home pages... no links to binaries.
> Github doesn't host binaries anymore...
> Where are they?
> Turns out there are links to the GDC binaries (hosted on
> bitbucket) on
> ...I didn't previously notice they were there, never scrolled
> down far
> enough. The impression you get from the top of the page is that
> dlang.orgis just DMD related, and I quickly dismissed it
> previously
Also, where's the Linux (FreeBSD?, Mac OS X?) downloads for GDC?
I get it through my package manager, but it seems there should be
a download for it as well. If not a binary, then at least a
> But there's still no LDC binary there... where is it?
> This needs to be fixed. You can argue I'm retarded and
> ignorant, but as an
> end user, it should take me no more than 5 seconds to find the
> download
> button.
Agreed. Some may not be as persistent as you...
> I suggest, on the front page of, there should be a
> button: "DOWNLOAD D COMPILERS", and the download page should be
> tweaked to
> be more obviously compiler agnostic.
I'm not too sure about this. DMD is the reference compiler, so
people should be using that for learning, then graduate to GDC or
LDC if they need something faster.
> D1 and DMC consume an unreasonable amount of realestate, hiding
> (surely basically nobody is looking for those?), perhaps they
> should be
> reduced to small test links with the other links down the
> bottom of the
> page?
> This will allow room to present GDC and LDC without scrolling.
Do we really want D1 compilers that easily accessable? I assume
everyone relying on them already has a copy, and even if they
need another, they can click on an "Archive" link or something...
> And why is there no LDC binary?
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