Possible solution to template bloat problem?

Ramon spam at thanks.no
Thu Aug 22 19:41:17 PDT 2013

On Friday, 23 August 2013 at 01:17:55 UTC, bsd wrote:
> Well, that's a bit harsh. Can we close this thread?

Aren't you a bit harsh here?

After all, as a quick forum search suggests, "Wise Words", or 
more correctly the person who usually writes under another screen 
name here made the effort to bravely use another screen name in 
order to ... uhm ... troll.

I guess "Wise Words" didn't mean me but rather told us about an 
experience where someone told him "Grow a pair and move on". 
Evidently he didn't follow at least the first part of the advice 
given to him.


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