I try import windows API CharToOem function
Quentin J.
quentin.joseph at outlook.com
Mon Aug 26 10:42:48 PDT 2013
Hello, (sorry for my english, i'm french ^^)
I try to implement CharToOem function in my code for use accent
in windows console but she doesn't work, i have one error from
xamarin studio : "bool.main.CharToOem(const char*, char*) could
not be resolved - librairy reference missing" :'(.
CharToOem Function :
_In_ LPCTSTR lpszSrc,
_Out_ LPSTR lpszDst
LPCTSTR = const char* or const wchar_t* depending on _UNICODE.
LPSTR = char*
My code is :
import std.c.windows.windows;
extern (Windows) bool CharToOem(const char*, char*);
public void PutStringIntoConsole(string text)
char[] source = text.dup;
char[] dest;
CharToOem(source.ptr, dest.ptr);
Can you help me please, i'm novice in D.
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