DIP45: fixing the dllimport/dllexport issue

deadalnix deadalnix at gmail.com
Thu Aug 29 02:42:30 PDT 2013

On Thursday, 29 August 2013 at 09:13:02 UTC, Benjamin Thaut wrote:
> So what should be do? So far I like Andrej Mitrovic's solution 
> best. But I think we should omit the placement holder so that 
> instead of "-export std.*" we use "-export std" which basically 
> means the same thing. Otherwise people might geht the idea 
> stuff like this will work "-export *.somesubmodule".
> Personally I'm ok with any working solution. I wanted to use 
> shared dlls since I started using D 3 years ago, and nothing 
> has happend in that regard since then.
> Kind Regards
> Benjamin Thaut

Here is my proposal.

Everything is NOT exported on unixes system, just like on 
windows. It is consistent accross system and provide 
opportunities for optimizations and faster linkage.

symobol marked as export are understood as ddlexport (or publicly 
visible on unixes)

import declaration marked as export as understood as importing a 
module compiled in a shared object. This time, declaration in the 
imported mopdule marked as export are understood as ddlimport.

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