DIP45: fixing the dllimport/dllexport issue
Benjamin Thaut
code at benjamin-thaut.de
Thu Aug 29 12:16:24 PDT 2013
Am 29.08.2013 21:12, schrieb Martin Nowak:
> On 08/29/2013 12:03 PM, Benjamin Thaut wrote:
>> But what if you import a module that is linked statically? That would
>> mean export would be treated as dllimport and it will fail to link
>> because the _imp_ symbols are missing when linking statically?
> Could we create alias symbols?
Yes, but that would add a indirection to all data accesses even if you
link the library in statically. That would basically remove the benefit
from linking statically. If we want control over what gets exported and
what not we will need export anyway, and in my eyes a additional
compiler switch for windows is not bad enough to justify adding a level
of indirction to data accesses into static libraries.
Kind Regards
Benjamin Thaut
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