DIP45: fixing the dllimport/dllexport issue

Benjamin Thaut code at benjamin-thaut.de
Fri Aug 30 02:33:26 PDT 2013

Am 30.08.2013 11:17, schrieb deadalnix:
> My understanding is that it can be optimized away. Or can it ?

It can in C/C++ because microsoft has really good LTO (link time 
optimization). As Rainer Schuetze explained the format of the object 
files used for LTO is propriatary and unkown to the public. So we can 
not easily use that, and its unlikely we can use it at all. Also for 
32-bit windows it can not be optimized away because optlink does not do LTO.

In theory it could be optimized away, but in pratice I doubt we are 
going to see this kind of optimization in dmd any time soon. And as dmd 
is the only viable option on windows right now I would prefer the better 
performing second solution to this problem

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