Inherent code performance advantages of D over C?

Manu turkeyman at
Sat Dec 7 18:07:40 PST 2013

On 8 December 2013 11:34, Walter Bright <newshound2 at> wrote:

> On 12/7/2013 4:46 PM, Manu wrote:
>> True as compared to C, but I wouldn't say this is true in general.
>> C# and Java make it easy to refactor code rapidly. D doesn't have any
>> such tools
>> yet.
>> It's my #1 wishlist item for VisualD and Mono-D, and I await such tooling
>> with
>> great anticipation.
>> Maybe when the D front-end is a library, and tooling has such powerful
>> (and
>> reliable) semantic analysis as the compiler does it may be possible?
> Needing a tool to refactor code is a bit of a mystery to me. I've never
> used one, and never felt that not having one inhibited me from refactoring.

Well I'd suspect that given time to use one for a significant portion of
time, you will come to appreciate how much time it can save :)
At least in certain types of code, which perhaps you don't spend an awful
lot of time writing?
I find 'client code' tends to be subject to a higher frequency of trivial
changes and refactorings. This sort of code is less concise, more random;
just stuff that does stuff or responds to events or whatever written around
the place.
Systems code like compilers tend to be a lot more succinct, self contained
and well structured which, supports simpler refactoring internally, but any
such change may require a huge amount of client code to be re-jigged. It's
nice to reliably automate this sort of thing.

Trust me, robust refactoring tools save a lot of time! :)
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