GuitarHero/RockBand fans... side project anyone?

John Colvin john.loughran.colvin at
Thu Dec 12 10:48:48 PST 2013

On Thursday, 12 December 2013 at 17:04:32 UTC, Manu wrote:
> On 13 December 2013 02:28, John Colvin 
> <john.loughran.colvin at>wrote:
>> On Thursday, 12 December 2013 at 15:47:48 UTC, Jacob Carlborg 
>> wrote:
>>> On 2013-12-12 11:43, Manu wrote:
>>>> So, I'm a massive fan of music games. I'll shamefully admit 
>>>> that I was
>>>> tragically addicted to Dance Dance Revolution about 10 years 
>>>> ago.
>>>> Recently, it's Guitar Hero and Rock Band.
>>>> I quite like the band ensemble games, they're good party 
>>>> games, and
>>>> great rhythm practise that's actually applicable to real 
>>>> instrument
>>>> skills too.
>>> I wouldn't agree with that, at least not for Guitar Hero. I 
>>> had issues
>>> with the timing. When I played I tried to time the music, but 
>>> that didn't
>>> work. Instead I had to time the screen to get any points.
>> As a lifelong musician this annoyed the hell out of me. The 
>> whole
>> experience ends up like reading annoying flashy sheet music. 
>> Low latency is
>> critical.
> It is quite sad how few people seem to know how, or make the 
> effort to
> setup their system properly, or know what the typical sources 
> of latency
> are... or even that there's such a thing as latency in the 
> first place.
> It's possible to make it near-perfect... but when I go to other 
> peoples
> houses and try to play, it never is. And then I start fiddling 
> with their
> AV system for an hour while everyone get's angry at me and 
> tells me it's
> perfect, and have no idea what I'm fussing about >_<

You just described my life :p

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