OT: Your accomplishments in 2013 and plans for 2014

Jesse Phillips Jesse.K.Phillips+D at gmail.com
Thu Dec 12 19:33:09 PST 2013

On Wednesday, 11 December 2013 at 19:45:25 UTC, Andrej Mitrovic 
> I thought we'd enjoy a bit of reminiscing of the past year and 
> talk
> about our plans for the future, whether it's something personal 
> or
> D-related that anyone is willing to publicly talk about. It 
> should be
> a fun topic, or so I hope! :) So let me begin..

Well this is a hard one.

I lost a great girlfriend (not unforeseeable, she's Japanese (I'm 
not)). Interviews didn't end in a job offer. And I was the Best 
Man at my friends wedding (oh, wait, I think that was a good 

I continue to start projects which I know I'll probably not 
finish, and only gradually improving the others I've started.

It isn't all bad, I did start blogging about my adventures (I 
still need to get use to telling people what I'm doing, now that 
I'm on Planet D I'm scared to tag something D that may only 
vaguely relate). In general things are good, just nothing big to 
point to.


I'm looking at submitting a talk about LuaD. I know I can do a 
good job, I just need to dedicate time to it instead of reading 
reddit, playing games, and watching movies (obviously D 
newsgroups get to stay).

My new project manager is actually willing to put my programming 
knowledge to use. Though it sounds like I'll have to do some 
translation from D to C#. There is quit a bit of opportunity here.

Along with LuaD stuff I hope to get more teaching material 
written for D. I think I'll have to re-evaluate my choice to only 
make useful examples and at least start with examples which 
demonstrate an idea.

I'm also highly considering making it out to Dconf2014. I don't 
usually like spending lots of money, but I no longer expect to be 
flying out to Japan and this should be totally worth it.

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