GuitarHero/RockBand fans... side project anyone?

Szymon Gatner noemail at
Fri Dec 13 06:54:08 PST 2013

On Friday, 13 December 2013 at 14:48:13 UTC, Manu wrote:
> On 13 December 2013 23:06, Rikki Cattermole 
> <alphaglosined at> wrote:
>> On Friday, 13 December 2013 at 12:37:21 UTC, Szymon Gatner 
>> wrote:
>>> Hi, I am experienced C++ programmer, recently switched to 
>>> indie gamedev
>>> (1 title released commercially, another on the way). I am 
>>> really interested
>>> in this for 2 reasons:
>>> 1) a chance to work with someone of your experience
>>> 2) as soon as it is possible (that would be D working on iOS) 
>>> I would
>>> like to do a transition from C++ to D in our projects so new 
>>> experience in
>>> D (and in the industry) is just perfect
>>> Please consider me!
>> From the sounds of it, it'll be a community project so no 
>> worries, just
>> join in.
>> Have a talk with the GDC compiler guys about helping with ARM 
>> support and
>> getting on iOS. They could definitely use the help!
>> Although from my knowledge there probably will be issues with 
>> tool chain
>> not verified by Apple.
> One step at a time :)
> It doesn't need to be released on the appstore, a running proof 
> of concept
> would be a nice first step.
> Probably easier to start on Android though, and perhaps even 
> more relevant
> these days.

As a indie I can tell you that Android is ridiculously hard (or 
impossible) to make a living on... Google made it so easy to 
install apps that piracy is a norm. Apple has its flaws (Xcode 
was a horrible horrible thing before very recently when they 
switched to clang) but there is a chance to get your investment 
back at least.

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