D benchmark code review

Chris Cain clcain at uncg.edu
Sat Dec 14 11:32:44 PST 2013

On Saturday, 14 December 2013 at 16:22:41 UTC, Ola Fosheim 
Grøstad wrote:
> Regarding using the not-operator for non-not-operations: 
> anything would be better than reusing operators that are 
> commonly used to affect control-flow. It makes it difficult to 
> comprehend control flow when you skim code you are not familiar 
> with. "not" tends to be used for completely changing the flow 
> of a program so those "!" are attention-seekers when trying 
> comprehend unfamiliar code.

But still, _what exactly_ should be used instead of the 
"not-operator"? "Anything" is too vague and not true. You 
probably can't use these: ][+=-_,.|`\/"'><;:}{%^&*

("Can't" is a strong word. <>s are used by C++, for instance, but 
we already know of the challenges and issues caused by that)

You might could _just_ use ()s but it'd lead to some parsing 
difficulties for both the programmer and the computer.

I'm just curious, not trying to say you're wrong. I do think it's 
a huge step up from C++'s templates and, personally, I love the 
new syntax with an infix ! for instantiating templates. But if 
something better could be used, I'm interested in hearing the 
ideas too.

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