D benchmark code review

Jordi Sayol g.sayol at yahoo.es
Sun Dec 15 21:06:36 PST 2013

El 16/12/13 00:22, Manu ha escrit:
> On 16 December 2013 07:17, Walter Bright <newshound2 at digitalmars.com <mailto:newshound2 at digitalmars.com>> wrote:
>     On 12/15/2013 6:43 AM, Manu wrote:
>     > [...]
>     Manu, all your posts are about twice as many lines as show up. In examining the posting source, each is there twice - once as plain text, once as html text.
>     The newsgroup readers ignore the html version - perhaps there's some setting in your n.g. reader that could be set to not emit the html version?
> Really? Have my posts always behaved this way, or is a recent habit of mine? :)
> I access the mailinglist via gmail. I'll check the settings, but I'm not hopeful there'll be any options like that.

Yes, there is.

On Gmail, "compose", click on bottom right triangle, check "Plain text mode".

This option will be set until you change it, not just for the current e-mail.

Jordi Sayol

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