phobos dependencies

Andrej Mitrovic andrej.mitrovich at
Fri Dec 20 01:18:24 PST 2013

On 12/20/13, Meta <jared771 at> wrote:
> 2 comes with its own problems, though. With imports at the top,
> you can easily tell what the module imports at a glance. Putting
> imports into the deepest possible scopes where they are used will
> make it a huge chore to hunt all the imports down.

Why is that important though? You only need to worry about these
scoped imports if you actually use the code that has the scoped
imports, rather than preemptively worry about imports at the top.

> I don't relish the idea of thinking
> that my code is all clear, then getting some missing dependency
> error down the line after refactoring. This will make code more
> brittle.

If you don't unittest your templates (which would catch these types of
errors), then you have much more to worry about.

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