Can D be Interpreted?

Joseph Rushton Wakeling joseph.wakeling at
Thu Dec 26 15:37:05 PST 2013

On Thursday, 26 December 2013 at 22:01:40 UTC, Manu wrote:
> In my experience with vibe.d, it's a massive pain in the arse 
> that it's
> compiled.
> It seems to me that web dev involves squillions of 
> micro-changes and
> tweaks, and it's bloody annoying to compile and reboot the 
> server every
> time.
> vibe.d apps should be compiled for deployment, but a JIT option 
> while
> developing/tweaking/tuning would speed up development by about 
> 934x.
> I think that's the main hold-up for vibe.d compared to popular 
> competition;
> the iteration time is just not good, but otherwise it's awesome.

Could it be workable to have a minimal server + plugins design 
akin to what you did with Remedy for game functionality?

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