Go compiler moving from C to Go

CJS Prometheus85 at hotmail.com
Fri Dec 27 21:53:14 PST 2013

> Sounds good to me.  By the way, I think Cristi was considering 
> targeting the linear algebra work towards Phobos -- you might 
> like to consider if some parts of SciD could be reworked as 
> standard library features, although obviously you have greater 
> freedom to extend and experiment in an independent library.

I don't think anything related to linear algebra belongs in the 
standard library. See here, for example: 
The basic point is that linear algebra libraries are too 
dependent on hardware, available libraries, and implementation 
details to have any place in a language specific standard library.

But I definitely support a D matrix library getting some love and 
attention. Especially since, if I understood the SciD code 
correctly when I looked at it a month ago, it currently is a nice 
wrapper for a matrix type and solving matrix equations and 
finding eigenvalues. It lacks support for matrix multiplication, 
addition, etc.. I'm not sure if D's operator overloading is 
sufficiently rich to allow separate operators for matrix 
multiplication and element-wise multiplication in matrix. 
(Dealing with this is a pain in numpy, the most common Python 
matrix library, as well as in Eigen, a common c++ matrix library.)

Also worth noting Some of the most popular C++ matrix & linear 
algebra libraries, such as Eigen and Armadillo, are based on 
expression templates. This leads to not terribly readable code, 
which I suspect D could clean up. But that isn't anywhere near 
the first feature to add to a matrix library.

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