Cross referencing in Ddoc

Marco Leise Marco.Leise at
Tue Dec 31 01:31:04 PST 2013

Am Tue, 31 Dec 2013 00:13:41 +0100
schrieb Sönke Ludwig <sludwig at>:

> [...] I very much agree with them, but the
> current reality looks like the opposite - lots of macro-pseudo-HTML
> markup, very difficult to read unprocessed in many places. So something
> like using "#" or "()" to mark symbols + automatic cross referencing for
> marked symbols would be a *really* nice to have.

I am VERY much in favor of a more MarkDown style syntax and #
for identifier references! It is also very verbose to create
bullet-point lists and you always have to double-check you
don't forget to replace all ) with $(RPAREN). If you misspell
anything it is lost in the output.


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