IOC is inside Clang-head

Jeff Nowakowski jeff at
Fri Feb 1 03:30:49 PST 2013

On 01/30/2013 07:48 PM, H. S. Teoh wrote:
> If you're somewhat familiar with the details of the C standard, you'll
> realize that a laughably large percentage of C code currently in use is
> actually invalid C (either due to undefined behaviour, or incorrect
> reliance on sizeof(char)==1, or a whole bunch of other obscure rules
> that most C programmers aren't even aware of).

The C standard defines sizeof(char) to be 1.

By the way, I learned this fact many years ago when reading the book, 
"C: A Reference Manual", from Harbison and Steele, which I recommend 
highly for anybody serious about C. It dispelled a lot of mysteries 
surrounding C for me that were left by other books, and I've used it 
countless times as a reference.

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