Request for comments: std.d.lexer
Dmitry Olshansky
dmitry.olsh at
Sat Feb 2 13:54:59 PST 2013
02-Feb-2013 01:10, Walter Bright пишет:
> On 2/1/2013 3:22 AM, Dmitry Olshansky wrote:
>> 01-Feb-2013 15:05, Walter Bright пишет:
>>> On 1/30/2013 8:44 AM, Dmitry Olshansky wrote:
>>>> In allocation scheme I proposed that ID could be a 32bit offset into
>>>> the unique
>>>> identifiers chunk.
>>> That only works if you know in advance the max size the chunk can ever
>>> be and preallocate it. Otherwise, you have no guarantee that the next
>>> allocated chunk will be within 32 bits of address of the previous
>>> chunks.
>> Well I supposed it's exactly one reallocatable block. Then token have
>> an offset
>> that doesn't care if the block was reallocated.
>> Or rather the reallocating just RESERVE virtual RAM for it (say 1G),
>> and COMMIT
>> it page by page when you need to grow it. Once lexing is done, shrink
>> virtual
>> region to the actual used size to free up address space (e.g. if we
>> are on 32bits).
>> AS for 32bit limit that gives 4Gb maximum of the cumulative length of
>> all unique
>> identifier names is more then enough by any standard. I haven't seen a 4G
>> codebase not to speak of identifiers alone that even if we count all the
>> repetitions separately.
> Your technique can work, provided the number of identifiers isn't large
> enough that memory fragmentation will prevent being able to reallocate
> the buffer to a larger size.
I think I failed to describe the virtual memory trick or you just
ignored it? But regardless I have to correct myself on both the amount
to reserve and the fact that it's actually not virtual memory alone but
a virtue of MMU.
See below a full program in D see it the trick in action, currently
Win32 only, as I can't recall the right POSIX calls offhand. It's a
benchmark against built-in array/appender - the heap stuff.
The speed is simillar, with my quick and dirty stuff being much faster
iff arrays don't allocate all of ram beforehand.
The steps to snatch the power of not having any reallocations:
1. Reserve a contiguous *address space* range. Not even a bit of virtual
memory is reserved/commited/touched at this moment. This just creates a
(for lexer this address space range would have length equal to the sum
of all files length as Tove points out, this is the first correction)
2. Any time there is no memory to put more stuff into (as is initially),
commit the next few pages. At this moment virtual ram is committed but
not allocated.
3. [this I think we all know] The moment memory location in the
committed part of the range is touched the page for it is allocated (and
on win32 initially contains zeros automatically). Only at this point
Virtual memory is allocated
So you see where my 2nd correction goes. In essence you get: 0
reallocations and no more then 1 page of virtual memory wasted in all
cases. Sweet deal ;)
Then there is an optional step if you think that too much of address
space is used (makes sense only on 32-bits if at all): copy the
resulting block of actual data elsewhere in the heap and release the
whole address range.
The code:
(the same as github gist: )
///Written in the D programming language
// Bench built-in array append, std.array.Appender
// and custom virtual-memory aware VirtualArray in terms of
// memory usage and the time taken
// to append up to X megabytes using different chunk sizes:
// 16 bytes, 64bytes, 256 bytes and 16Kb at a time.
// pass this version to take insert readln's
// at interesting points and investigate RAM usage
// make sure to enable relevant columns in task manager process details:
// committed size and private working set
// version = diagnose;
import std.exception, std.datetime, std.algorithm, std.range, std.array;
auto roundUpToPowerOf2(size_t var, size_t pow2)
return (var + pow2-1) & ~(pow2-1);
struct VirtualArray
ubyte* pointer; // to the beginning of the reserved memory
size_t _length; // length of data
size_t commited; // committed memory so far
size_t reserved; // total possible maximum to grow to
size_t pageSize; // page size, this could be global
//size_t pageSize;
// commit some more memory from the reserved range
void extend(size_t size)
size = roundUpToPowerOf2(size, pageSize);
// this will throw once run out of reserved pages
enforce(VirtualAlloc(pointer+commited, size,
commited += size;
this(size_t maxCapacity)
SYSTEM_INFO sysinfo;
pageSize = sysinfo.dwPageSize;
// the page size is a power of 2
// round the capacity up to a multiple of page size
maxCapacity = roundUpToPowerOf2(maxCapacity, pageSize);
pointer = cast(ubyte*)enforce(VirtualAlloc(null, maxCapacity,
commited = 0;
reserved = maxCapacity;
_length = 0;
// bare minimum primitives to run benchmark
ref ubyte opIndex(size_t idx)
assert(idx < length);
return pointer[idx];
// ditto
ubyte[] opSlice(size_t from, size_t to)
assert(from < to && to <= length);
return pointer[];
// ditto
@property size_t length(){ return _length; }
void opOpAssign(string op:"~")(ubyte[] data)
size_t end = length + data.length;
while(end > commited)
pointer[length..end] = data[];
_length = end;
// should not throw, struct is not copyable
enforce(VirtualFree(pointer, 0, MEM_RELEASE));
import std.stdio;
void timeIt(string prefix, void delegate() run)
StopWatch sw;
writefln(prefix~ " %4s ms", sw.peek().msecs);
bool verify(Arr)(ubyte[] pattern, ref Arr arr)
for(size_t i=0; i<arr.length; i+= pattern.length)
if(arr[i..i+pattern.length] != pattern[])
writeln(arr[i .. i+pattern.length], " vs ", pattern);
return false;
return true;
void main()
size_t totalSize = 120*2^^20;
auto chunks = [
iota(0, 16).map!(x=>cast(ubyte)x).array,
iota(0, 64).map!(x=>cast(ubyte)x).array,
iota(0, 256).map!(x=>cast(ubyte)x).array,
iota(0, 2^^10).map!(x=>cast(ubyte)x).array
auto titles = [ " 16b", " 64b", "256b", " 16K" ];
import core.memory;
GC.disable(); // to prevent measuring a collection by mistake
foreach(n, chunk; chunks)
// reserve memory anew on each iteration
// I was able to easily go up to 1.5 G on 32bits
// note: there are no reallocations here at all
if(n == 0)
writeln("Before reserving address space");
auto virtArr = VirtualArray(totalSize);
if(n == 0)
writeln("Reserved address space");
timeIt(titles[n]~" virtual", (){
foreach(i; 0..totalSize/chunk.length)
virtArr ~= chunk;
if(n == 0)
writeln("Commited all of virtual memory");
readln(); //uncomment to take a pause to investigate RAM usage
// time to verify is the same for all with -O -inline
enforce(verify(chunk, virtArr));
foreach(n, chunk; chunks)
ubyte[] arr;
// the GC is out of the game as soon as 512 Mbytes on 32bits
// as I hit OutOfMemory on a 2nd iteration
// try to help poor runtime
// without reserve it crashes and burns at about 120 M
// with reserve it's on par with chunk >= 256
// but it _commits_ all memory beforehand !
if(n == 0)
writeln("Before array.reserve()");
if(n == 0)
writeln("After array.reserve()");
timeIt(titles[n]~" array ", (){
foreach(i; 0..totalSize/chunk.length)
arr ~= chunk;
if(n == 0)
writeln("After all data touched");
// time to verify is the same for all with -O -inline
enforce(verify(chunk, arr));
// sadly need to not run out of memory on 32 bits
delete arr;
foreach(n, chunk; chunks)
// appender is supposed to be faster then array on appends
// but it's actually slower starting at 256 byte chunks
// and esp. so with 16Kb chunks
auto app = appender!(ubyte[])();
timeIt(titles[n]~" appender", (){
foreach(i; 0..totalSize/chunk.length)
auto appArr =;
enforce(verify(chunk, appArr));
Dmitry Olshansky
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