The Atom Consists of Protons, Neutrons and Electrons
Zach the Mystic
reachBUTMINUSTHISzach at
Mon Feb 4 16:23:40 PST 2013
A somewhat heated discussion between Steven Schveighoffer and
myself led to his challenging me to show not only how properties
could be implemented as structs, but also why that is the best
way for D to implement them.
The challenge is to do better, both in terms of functionality and
in terms of syntax, than his proposal:
@property foo {
int get(); // or opGet
void set(int val); // or opSet
opBinary(...) // etc.
The @property namespace defined above implements all operator
overrides a struct is capable of, but with access to its
surrounding scope. For example:
struct Goo
int _foo;
property foo { int get(){ return _foo; } }
Good stuff, and D would not be the worse off for a property
implementation such as this. Note how I removed the @ in front of
property, because if we go this far, we might as well just go all
the way and add it to the language as a keyword.
My job, therefore, was to imagine how simple structs could, at
least in theory, do all of this, plus some, thus providing a
better product and saving D a keyword.
I hope I'm not too late with this proposal. I've used the
metaphor of the atom (i.e. explicit properties), adhering to the
theory that there's no need to provide atoms if you can provide
all of the protons, neutrons, and electrons they consist of.
Part One: Neutrons
We'll start with the heaviest particle first.
Why is it that a struct nested inside a function is allowed
access to its function's data, whereas a struct nested inside a
struct receives no such privilege?
void func()
int n;
struct G { int getN() { return n; } } // Hey, no problem
struct foo
int n;
struct G { int getN() { return n; } } // Error: n not defined
Is it too much to ask that a struct gain access to an instance of
its parent's data? Well, yes. First of all, the nested instance
would have to hold a hidden pointer to a parent instance, not
only bloating the nested instance but also risking losing track
of the desired parent instance should the parent instance get
moved in memory.
But wait. A struct's member functions act upon its _own_ data
just fine. That's because they are designed to receive a hidden
pointer to an instance of their struct. And it's not actually the
nested struct's data which would want to operate upon its parent
struct, anyway. After all, data doesn't act upon data. The
machine code containing the instructions to operate upon data is
never identical to the data it needs to operate on (footnote:
with the notable exception of the video game Yar's Revenge for
the Atari 2600, in which the machine code was actually used to
create an ad hoc random color palette - see the book "Racing the
Beam" by Nick Montfort and Ian Bogost). Would it therefore be
possible to allow the nested struct's _functions_ to operate upon
an instance of its parent struct?
I think so. Here's how it would work. When a function is being
compiled, the compiler keeps two lists, a short list of struct
types to which it must include hidden pointers, and a stack of
the functions currently being analyzed. It adds pointers to the
list and attaches them to the symbols according to the following
algorithm. If the symbol is not found in the function definition
1. Look for it at the level of the enclosing struct.
2. If it is found there and it represents a data type, check the
pointer list for that struct's type, and add it if it's not there
already. Attach the symbol to that instance and move on, you're
3. If it is found and it represents a function, and semantic has
already been run on the called function, add any hidden pointers
it requires to your own list and attach them to the call. You're
4. If it represents a function and semantic has not been done,
check the stack for the function represented by the symbol. If it
is found, stop. It will take a second semantic pass to attach the
right pointers. Otherwise, add the current function to the stack
and analyze the function represented by the symbol. Add the
hidden pointers it needs to your own list, attach them to the
call, and you're done.
5. If it is not found and the struct is marked static, or if the
struct in question is being defined at module level, you're done
here. Continue to lookup the symbol at the module and import
6. If it is not found and the struct definition is nested inside
another struct, look for it in that struct. Goto 2.
Now we have a list of hidden pointers to enclosing structs which
the function must take. The function uses these pointers
invisibly, giving potential access to all members of all parent
types. To refer to the 'this' pointer of any one of these,
'outer' may be used, then 'outer.outer', etc.
This is a complex new feature. I have therefore written an
elaborate example to help to clarify how and when it might be
Meet Sparky(™), the most advanced electronic security dog the
world will ever see. He's got a brain to house his advanced A.I.
and a body to house his physics engine, which consists of a tail
and a bladder. Sparky has stopped every intruder who ever crossed
his path. He has no known weaknesses. Well, except for those
pesky Jolt Brand Caffeinated Dog Biscuits. Feed him a Jolt and he
just can't resist himself. Here is his current implementation:
Dog sparky;
struct Dog {
Brain brain;
struct Brain
bool asleep = false;
void think() {
if(!asleep) {
// Sparky has truly advanced A.I. and will stop
// any intruder so long as he is awake
Body bodi;
struct Body
bool broken = false;
Bladder bladder;
struct Bladder {
void release() {
// An absolutely fascinating implementation
Tail tail;
struct Tail {
int wagSpeed = 0;
void wag() { ++wagSpeed; }
void jolt() {
if (bodi.tail.wagSpeed >= 7) malfunction;
void malfunction() {
bodi.broken = true;
bodi.tail.wagSpeed = 0;
brain.asleep = true;
Note how function malfunction() is declared at the top level of
struct Dog. It has to be, because its purpose is to respond to
calamity by adjusting all the parts of the Dog. It would make
more sense, however, to declare the functionality closer to its
prime cause. This is how it would look with the new language
feature. I have here renamed function malfunction to suit its new
Dog sparky;
struct Dog {
. . .
struct Body
. . .
struct Tail {
. . .
// Used to be function malfunction()
void wagTheDog()
wagSpeed = 0;
broken = true;
brain.asleep = true;
void jolt() {
if (bodi.tail.wagSpeed >= 7) bodi.tail.wagTheDog;
wagTheDog does not need to use the full names of bodi and tail,
because they have been passed to it by hidden pointer in the
original function call 'bodi.tail.wagTheDog'. In fact, this is
the only way from the outside to call a nested struct function
which uses its parents' data. The struct objects have no pointers
to their parents, so they must be provided by fully naming them
at the call site.
To illustrate more clearly, I'll show how the compiler rewrites
function wagTheDog as a standard top-level function:
void wagTheDog(ref Dog __dog, ref Body __body, ref Tail __tail)
__tail.wagSpeed = 0;
__body.broken = true;
__dog.brain.asleep = true;
Because it causes confusion both for the programmer and the
compiler, calling a parent function from a nested function using
an ad hoc struct object should probably be made illegal:
struct Dog {
Brain brain;
struct Body {
Tail tail;
struct Tail {
void wagTheDog() { brain.asleep = true; }
void tryToWag()
wagTheDog(); // Okay, fetches implicit pointers
Tail tail; // Ad hoc instance of Tail
tail.wagTheDog(); // Error: Incomplete function call
outer.tail = tail; // Okay, we've got a new tail
wagTheDog(); // New tail attached. Works just fine
wagTheDog detects that brain is a declaration two nests above and
thus requires a Dog in order to be called. I think it is too much
to demand that the compiler perform some kind of mix-and-match
service as in the case of tail.wagTheDog(). It must simply detect
this as a partial call and give an error. The workaround shown
above is just as effective and not as confusing. Note also that
tryToWag has inherited the need for a full set of pointers from
the outside.
Just so you know how it works underneath, the compiler rewrites:
wagTheDog(sparky, sparky.bodi, sparky.bodi.tail);
That's the feature. So what would the impact to the D language be
with this new implementation of (non-static) nested structs?
First of all, would any code break? Well, if you examine how the
suggested feature works, you'll see that the only source of
breakage comes from duplicating a symbol both at module and at
parent struct levels.
int hmmm = 3;
struct A {
int hmmm = 2;
B b;
struct B {
int f() { return hmmm; }
A a;
assert(a.b.f == 2);
While the shadowing of variables might be the occasional source
of bugs, you don't have to worry about getting access to parent
fields because you can just use 'outer' to get a reference to a
parent's 'this' field and '.' for the module. All told, it is an
extraordinarily light form of code breakage, and I would not be
surprised if it didn't break any code at all in most existing
projects, since duplicating names inside nests is a bad practice
anyway. Also, I don't know if any of the binary APIs insist on
passing a pointer to member functions, even those which don't in
fact use the data referred to, but if so, there will obviously be
associated performance costs.
And no, it's not an earth-shaking feature, but it does have a
certain elegance to it, in my opinion, adding some flexibility
and even some fun to using nested structs.
Part Two: Protons
Having examined the largest particle, let's move on to the second
I'm sure everyone at one point has wanted to define a single
instance of a structure without having to come up with both the
name of the type and the name of the instance. Either you just
want to whip up something quickly or you know for sure that you
only need one instance. A syntax that facilitates this isn't
going to get in your way when it's time to get "responsible" and
declare a full-fledged type. The body of the declaration remains
the same. It's just the declaration signature which has to change.
In terms of implementation, I could be wrong, but it seems rather
trivial. Just define a new hidden type and create an instance of
it using the name provided.
So how might D go about doing this for structs?
Well, anonymous structs already exist in the language, so that's
certainly a good start. How about we just write the anonymous
struct and then put the name of the single instance of the struct
after it like we'd do with most other declarations?
struct {} foo;
Looks good to me. Except, of course, for the obvious fact that
structs are never this short in real life. That 'foo' could come
two thousand lines into the file for a particularly vicious
single-instance struct.
There's got to be a way to move the name to the top while not
leaving the syntax ambiguous as to what is being defined. What if
we did something like:
alias foo struct {}
That would work. People could get used to it and eventually know
by heart that when they saw 'alias xxxxx struct', they were
working with a single-instance structure.
But while it is elegant, it's still a little noisy. What if you
just took 'alias' away?
foo struct {}
Would that actually work? Let's see, if the parser sees an
identifier, then 'struct'… yes, I think it *would* work.
It's king of the hill. Yes, it's rather high and mighty, but then
again, it's a type which only has one instance. Maybe it
*deserves* to be high and mighty. After all, "there can be only
one." So I called it a Highlander, and I think it's a good
syntax, although, once again, not exactly an earth-shattering
Part Three: Electrons
This last particle is easy.
Emulating a built-in type with a struct object using opCall() can
leak parentheses().
TrackedInt foo;
struct TrackedInt {
private int _n;
int timesAccessed;
int opCall() { ++timesAccessed; return _n; }
foo; // Okay, we're tracking it, so it's not do-nothing code
foo(); // This doesn't look like an int…
The workaround is to use 'alias this' on the function you
actually want in place of opCall:
struct TrackedInt {
int someRandomFunction() { … }
alias someRandomFunction this;
But this could be made nicer, if it turns out we're doing this a
lot. Why not just add operator opGet to the list of a struct's
operator overloads?
struct TrackedInt
int opGet() { … }
foo; // Okay
foo(); // Error: no opCall defined!
And that's it for these little particles.
Structs needed to be whipped into shape to see how well they
could do as built-in properties. Let's see how they did. If I'm
at module scope, the language already provides a mechanism for
structs-as-properties. Look at the following (partial) definition
of std.array.front in today's D:
import std.traits;
Front front;
struct Front
alias someFunction this;
ref T someFunction(T)(T[] a)
if (!isNarrowString!(T[]) && !is(T[] == void[]))
assert(a.length, "Attempting to fetch the front of an empty
array of " ~ typeof(a[0]).stringof);
return a[0];
assert([1,2,3].front == 1);
People are so used to the idea that structs operate on their own
data that they don't realize that that's not the sine qua non of
their existence. The compiler can easily figure out which
pointers to which data it needs to include in its hidden fields.
A property is a named set of overloaded operations on a piece of
data which replaces the appearance of that data in code(™).
Structs already perform this service for their own fields, and
everyone seems to agree that this is a good thing. Why then
should they not be expanded to be able to provide the same
service for any data? It would spare the implementors from having
to design a whole new mechanism, which wouldn't do anything that
can't be done with structs anyway.
All three of the language features described above serve this
function. The neutron makes it possible to nest the definition of
'front' above, so it can now access its parent struct's data:
struct DomesticatedArray(T)
private T[] _data;
Front front;
struct Front
alias someFunction this;
ref T someFunction(T)()
if (!isNarrowString!(T[]) && !is(T[] == void[]))
assert(_data.length, "Attempting to fetch the front of an
empty array of " ~ typeof(_data[0]).stringof);
return _data[0];
DomesticatedArray!int neutron = { [1,2,3] };
assert(neutron.front == 1);
But it's kind of awkward to define. That's where the Highlander
syntax comes in:
struct DomesticatedArray(T)
T[] _data;
front struct
alias someRandomFunction this;
ref T someRandomFunction(T)()
if (!isNarrowString!(T[]) && !is(T[] == void[]))
assert(_data.length, "Attempting to fetch the front of an
empty array of " ~ typeof(_data[0]).stringof);
return _data[0];
DomesticatedArray!int nucleus = { [1,2,3] };
assert(nucleus.front == 1);
opGet finishes the job:
struct DomesticatedArray(T)
T[] _data;
front struct
ref T opGet(T)()
if (!isNarrowString!(T[]) && !is(T[] == void[]))
assert(_data.length, "Attempting to fetch the front of an
empty array of " ~ typeof(_data[0]).stringof);
return _data[0];
DomesticatedArray!int atom = { [1,2,3] };
assert(atom.front == 1);
assert(!is(atom.front() == 1));
I think enhanced structs do pretty well as a replacement for
explicit properties. Not only that, but each of the new features
which make properties possible has a use or two of its own,
totally apart from its effectiveness as a property replacement. I
have attempted to prove that properties are nothing more than the
some of their component parts. The atom consists of protons,
neutrons, and electrons.
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