Expanding Phobos from a flat hierachy

Jacob Carlborg doob at me.com
Thu Feb 7 00:45:36 PST 2013

On 2013-02-06 16:41, Robert wrote:

> :-) That is pretty much what I had in mind! Awesome! I would love to
> help with this. I would start with some writing down of my ideas and
> concepts I have in mind, if you are interested? If you are, where should
> we discuss such things? On this mailing list?

Yes, I would be interested. I don't know what would be the best 
communication channel.

>> I will replace the Ruby code with D.
> As the ultimate goal of my idea was to establish D as a compiled
> language with all/most of the benefits of interpreted languages, it
> would seem strange if the tool that made this possible was not written
> in D. It would suggest that this was not possible in the first place. So
> I think this is a good idea.
> Concise definitions could be made possible, either by importing stuff in
> an appropriate environment as Andrei suggested or if needed even via a
> DSL, with string mixin's. So I think D already offers all we need, for
> good concise configuration files?

As I said, I will replace Ruby with D, that includes the DSL. It's the 
only place where Ruby is used. The rest is D.

/Jacob Carlborg

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