What's missing from Phobos for Orbit (package manager)

Andrei Alexandrescu SeeWebsiteForEmail at erdani.org
Fri Feb 15 06:03:03 PST 2013

On 2/15/13 4:25 AM, Dicebot wrote:
> On Friday, 15 February 2013 at 08:48:56 UTC, Jacob Carlborg wrote:
>> On 2013-02-14 23:15, Dicebot wrote:
>>> Well, I am one of those who does not like Tango dependencies. If
>>> something important is missing in standard option module, it
>>> needs to be added and I I'll gladly volunteer for that. But
>>> adding Tango stuff to Phobos as is - big no-no for me.
>> Rewriting a large part of existing, good and working code just because
>> of some political issue (or what it is) is a big, bit no-no for _me_.
>> So I guess we can drop this discussion now. It's only running in
>> circles now.
> And it is exactly why I offered help in rewriting some of those, as
> someone more interested in improving Phobos. If all this discussion is
> only about convincing to get some parts of Tango into official
> distribution as-is - I doubt it will be going anywhere and dropping is
> the right thing.
> Also it is not exactly a political issue. Tango style and design is
> considerably different from Phobos and mixing so different stuff in one
> distribution is the road to PHP hell. Much worse than any
> reimplementation (more like "refactoring" in practice) efforts. Just my
> 5 cents.

Dicebot, if Jacob allows you to copy his design with a clean-room 
implementation, I think this is a great way going forward.


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