What's missing from Phobos for Orbit (package manager)

Jacob Carlborg doob at me.com
Fri Feb 15 13:50:14 PST 2013

On 2013-02-15 17:38, Steven Schveighoffer wrote:

> This is the last "push" I can find from you:
> http://forum.dlang.org/post/jcmp6s$1cs5$1@digitalmars.com
> Doesn't sound ready.

That was 1+ year ago. It does build with DMD 2.061 and all tests pass.

> On trello, it's still listed as "in development."  I'm pretty sure
> nobody is using that, though.

I have no idea of what's on trello. I take no responsible for who put it 

> If you have given up, I suppose there is no point in asking if you are
> still interested in having it reviewed, but it sure doesn't sound like
> it was ever "in" the review queue.  Quite possible I missed the message
> that says "OK, can we review orange? it is ready".

If there are actually people interested in reviewing I'm all for it but 
I have not seen any trace of that.

/Jacob Carlborg

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