WPFfor d

Adam Wilson flyboynw at gmail.com
Wed Feb 20 12:01:13 PST 2013

On Wed, 20 Feb 2013 11:21:57 -0800, Michael <pr at m1xa.com> wrote:

>> Most allow you to tweak certain aspects, not remove the entire  
>> rendering output and start over. I've never found any OS widget kit  
>> that allows completely and total control of the widget at the pixel  
>> level.
> On win mobile if std win forms were not enough, we were able use win  
> api(good old c and pointers). It's highly customizable, but with high  
> amount of hand work.

Right, in XAML I get the same customizability without the huge amounts of  
hand coding.

> In gui kits most slogans - "write less, get more". It's boosts  
> development, but with less control.

More to the point, very few approach it with the idea of splitting the  
View (style) from the Model(implementation). When you do that, you can do  
some very cool things with a reasonable amount of work.

Adam Wilson
IRC: LightBender
Project Coordinator
The Horizon Project

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