D and Java [was Re: The DUB package manager]

pjmlp pjmlp at progtools.org
Mon Feb 25 23:17:46 PST 2013

On Tuesday, 26 February 2013 at 05:13:10 UTC, Russel Winder wrote:
> On Sun, 2013-02-24 at 15:49 +0400, Dmitry Olshansky wrote:
> […]

> Any Java user still planning to stay with Java 6 or earlier and 
> not
> planning to switch asap to Java 7 will be on their own very 
> quickly and
> seen and just another legacy problem.

My employer is still getting requests for proposals with Java 
1.4! :(

> […]
> With the current marketing strategy, this is how D is going to 
> remain. D
> does not have an organization such as Google pushing it as Go 
> has had.

Even with my continous complains about lack of generics in 
gonuts, I do realize it is easier to push Go at the workplace 
using the "it is from Google" excuse.

That is how I have been pushing F# lately (being a Microsoft 

>> b) No support for loading shared libraries (bye-bye sane 
>> plugin architecture)
> Go has eschewed all dynamic linking and is making this a 
> feature.

They might eventually be forced to reconsider it. Even Plan9 had 
dynamic linking support.

>> c) Lack of stable 3-rd party libs for pretty much everything
>> (this is getting better but is not there by miles)
> Go has managed to attract volunteer labour to write in Go new 
> versions
> of everything previously written in C other than actual OSs. 
> But even
> there people are beginning to write OSs in Go.

This I find great and is a reason I always give information about 
Oberon language family and Modula-3 based OS.

More people need to be aware it is possible to write proper OS in 
GC enabled system programming languages without a single line of 
C or C++.


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