D as a prototyping language (for C/C++ projects)

Rob T alanb at ucora.com
Wed Feb 27 12:07:15 PST 2013

On Wednesday, 27 February 2013 at 13:02:02 UTC, Jacob Carlborg 
> This is not about adding "isPresent" to an already existing 
> "isBlank" this is about adding "isBlank" or "isPresent" which 
> don't exist.


> isBlank does way more than checking if a value is false or not. 
> Do you read the code at all?

This thread got busted up into separate threads over the web 
interface, so maybe some people (like me) did not read everything 
you suggested.

OK I see you wanted to add only one or the other, not both. I 
like the idea of having this function in the std.lib. I added it 
to my own "standard.me" library.


PS: The web interface thread splitting is very annoying!

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