numericValue for (unicode) characters
monarchdodra at
Wed Jan 2 06:48:44 PST 2013
There is an ER that would allow to convert characters to numebers:
For example: '1' => 1
Or, unicode considered: 'Ⅶ' => 7
Long story short, it was decided that it wasn't's job
to do this conversion, but rather, there should be a function
called "numericValue" inside std.uni and std.ascii that would do
this job.
What remains are defining how these methods should work. Things
to keep in mind:
- ASCII to int should be fast.
- unicode numeric values span from -0.5 to 1.0e12.
- unicode numeric values can be fractional.
- ALL unicode numeric values can be EXACTLY represented in a
Given these observations, I'd like to propose these:
/** Given an ascii character, returns that character's
numeric value if it is numeric ($(D isNumeric)),
and -1 otherwise
pure @safe nothrow
int numericValue(dchar c);
/** Given a unicode character, returns that character's
numeric value if it is numeric ($(D isNumeric)),
and throws an exception otherwise
pure @safe
double numericValue(dchar c);
The rationale for this:
std.ascii: I think returning -1 as a magic number should help
keep the code faster and with less clutter than with exceptions.
returning an int is the obvious choice for numbers that span -1
to 10.
std.uni: double is the only type that can hold all ranges of
unicode's numeric values.
This time, uni throws exceptions. This is for two reasons:
1. Choosing a magic number is difficult, and error prone. Correct
code would have to look like: "if (std.uni.numericValue(c) >
-0.7) {...}"
2. When dealing with unicode, overhead of the exception is
probably cleaner and not as critical as with ascii.
I wanted to get this ER moved forward. I don't think
uni.numericValue will be finished soon, but I would have wanted
std.ascii's done sooner rather than later.
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