Requesting for project ideas

Ishan Thilina Somasiri ishanthilina at
Wed Jan 2 08:14:59 PST 2013


I'm posting this on bhalf of a group of 4 students from the final
year of Department of Computer Science and Engineering,University
of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka. We are required to do a 8 months long
project in our final year. The
project should consist of both a research and development
component and
an implementation. Our group is interested in areas such as,

    * Information security
    * Cloud
    * Parallel computing
    * Compilers
    * Operating Systems
    * Distributed systems

We’d like to know if the D programming language project has any
ideas that falls within our interest areas.

For more information about the members of our group, please refer
following links.

Ishan Thilina Somasiri -
Amila Surendra -
Hasala Surasinghe -
Rajith Siriwardana -

We’d be really glad if you could extend your support on this.

Thank you for your valuable time.

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