manual memory management
nuaccount at
Tue Jan 8 06:43:04 PST 2013
On Monday, 7 January 2013 at 17:19:25 UTC, Jonathan M Davis wrote:
> On Monday, January 07, 2013 17:55:35 Rob T wrote:
>> On Monday, 7 January 2013 at 16:12:22 UTC, mist wrote:
>> > How is D manual memory management any worse than plain C one?
>> > Plenty of language features depend on GC but stuff that is
>> > left
>> > can hardly be named "a lousy excuse". It lacks some
>> > convenience
>> > and guidelines based on practical experience but it is
>> > already
>> > as capable as some of wide-spread solutions for systems
>> > programming (C). In fact I'd be much more afraid of runtime
>> > issues when doing system stuff than GC ones.
>> I think the point being made was that built in language
>> features
>> should not be dependent on the need for a GC because it means
>> that you cannot fully use the language without a GC present and
>> active. We can perhaps excuse the std library, but certainly
>> not
>> the language itself, because the claim is made that D's GC is
>> fully optional.
> I don't think that any of the documentation or D's developers
> have ever
> claimed that you could use the full language without the GC.
> Quite the
> opposite in fact. There are a number of language features that
> require the GC
> - including AAs, array concatenation, and closures. You _can_
> program in D
> without the GC, but you lose features, and there's no way
> around that. It may
> be the case that some features currently require the GC when
> they shouldn't,
> but there are definitely features that _must_ have the GC and
> _cannot_ be
> implemented otherwise (e.g. array concatenation and closures).
> So, if you want
> to ditch the GC completely, it comes at a cost, and AFAIK no
> one around here
> is saying otherwise. You _can_ do it though if you really want
> to.
> In general however, the best approach if you want to minimize
> GC involvement
> is to generally use manual memory management and minimize your
> usage of
> features that require the GC rather than try and get rid of it
> entirely,
> because going the extra mile to remove its use completely
> generally just isn't
> worth it. Kith-Sa posted some good advice on this just the
> other day, and he's
> written a game engine in D:
> - Jonathan M Davis
Just speaking as a bystander but I believe it is becoming
apparent that a good guide to using D without the GC is required.
We have a growing number of users who could be useful converts
doing things like using it as a game engine, giving some general
help with approaches and warnings about what does and doesn't
require the GC would greatly smooth the process. Sadly I lack the
talent to write such a guide.
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