Ready for review: new std.uni

H. S. Teoh hsteoh at
Sat Jan 12 08:16:41 PST 2013

On Sat, Jan 12, 2013 at 12:20:46PM +0400, Dmitry Olshansky wrote:
> 12-Jan-2013 05:31, Walter Bright пишет:
> >On 1/11/2013 4:14 PM, H. S. Teoh wrote:
> >>Would an alias be appropriate in this case, so that we can put a
> >>concrete name to the function return type? Or is that an abuse of
> >>alias?
> >
> >Actually, that sounds like a good idea.
> >
> Except that it's created out of template parameters by wrapping them
> in a couple of template. So not, can't do.

I was going to suggest something like:

	alias typeof(return) ConcreteName;

But then I realized it's impossible to use ConcreteName in the function
signature, which makes it pointless to have the alias since it won't
show up in the Ddoc. :-(

Although, maybe something like this *might* be possible (but it's sorta
getting to the point of being ridiculously complex just for the sake of
making ddoc display a single identifier):

	template ConcreteName(A,B,C) {
		alias ConcreteName = SomeTemplate!(A, OtherTemplate!B, ...);

	ConcreteName!(A,B,C) func(A,B,C,D)(D args) {
		ConcreteName!(A,B,C) retVal = ...;
		return retVal;


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