Mac OS installer

Elias Zamaria mikez302 at
Sun Jan 13 21:40:06 PST 2013

Jacob, can I just run the commands or do I need to be in a 
specific directory (/usr or /usr/bin or something like that)? Do 
I need to replace the ${MAKER} string? If so, with what?

On Tuesday, 8 January 2013 at 07:57:46 UTC, Jacob Carlborg wrote:
> On 2013-01-08 05:00, Elias Zamaria wrote:
>> I am trying to upgrade to DMD 2.061. What am I supposed to do? 
>> I tried
>> running the installer but I got the same error I got the last 
>> time (see
>> or
> We need to fix that somehow. I have an idea that might fix this.
>> Jacob, do I need you to custom-make a non-broken installer 
>> like you did
>> for 2.060? Is that something I can realistically do myself if 
>> I don't
>> know much about D or OS X installers? Why isn't something like 
>> this on
>> the download page?
> Yes, it's fairly easy to do. Download the zip as you did and 
> run these commands:
> The commands between line 33 and 42. You have to replace the $1 
> and $2 with 2.061 and 2.
>> I downloaded the zip
>> (
>> . Is this the right one?) but I don't know what to do with it. 
>> I am
>> guessing some stuff should go in /usr/bin and some other stuff 
>> should go
>> in /usr/share but I don't know what.
>> Can anyone help me with this?
> The installer installs the compiler into /usr/share/dmd if I 
> recall correctly. It then creates symlinks to /usr/bin. You 
> need to replace the following:
> /usr/share/dmd/bin
> /usr/share/dmd/lib
> /usr/share/dmd/src
> With the same folders from the zip.
> I do really recommend DVM instead, even if it's not an official 
> way to install DMD. It's easy and allows you to have multiple 
> compilers installed:

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