Exceptional coding style

Andrei Alexandrescu SeeWebsiteForEmail at erdani.org
Tue Jan 15 09:09:03 PST 2013

On 1/15/13 11:59 AM, Russel Winder wrote:
> LaTeX and listings works fine with proportional fonts for me. What
> problem were you having.

In book code samples you need frequently to align things vertically 
(e.g. comments):

int a = 42;   // the meaning of everything
a += 0.1;     // error! cannot assign double to int

> I'll bear Bitstream Vera in mind for the book I am just starting.

Hope it's a book on D :o).

> I use the one true kitchen sink, Emacs, mostly. Using Ocean Sans Std.
> Eclipse, PyCharm, IntelliJ IDEA, NetBeans, GEdit, all using Ocean Sans
> Std.

Guess I'll just try it!!!


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