dmd json file output

Tove tove at
Tue Jan 22 09:05:09 PST 2013

On Tuesday, 22 January 2013 at 08:02:26 UTC, Rainer Schuetze 
> > "type" : {
> >          "mangled" : "PPPi",
> >          "pretty" : "int***",
> > }

I would favour plain "type" : "int***".

Consider it will be parsed from many different languages, C#, 
Java... etc and the generic tools may be able to handle json from 
multiple languages, and in this context have no reason to use 
differently mangled types for different languages.

"int***" is both compact and easy enough to parse anyway.

Even for pure D-based tools, for unit-test reasons it could be 
useful to have the pretty name to compare against, thus Rainer's 
proposal is a reasonable compromise.

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