Error about @disabled constructor when there is a custom one

Simen Kjaeraas simen.kjaras at
Tue Jan 22 11:07:36 PST 2013

On 2013-01-22, 19:45, Minas Mina wrote:

> I have this structure:
> struct Scene
> {
> 	Array!Surface objects;	// objects in the scene
> 	Array!Light lights;		// lights in the scene
> 	/*private*/ BVHNode root;			// root node of the BVH tree
> 	@disable this(); // disable the default constructor because space needs  
> to be reserved for objects and lights
> 	this(size_t objectReserveSpace = 20, size_t lightReserveSpace = 3)
> 	{
> 		objects.reserve(objectReserveSpace);
> 		lights.reserve(lightReserveSpace);
> 	}
> }
> auto scene = Scene(); // error about @disabled constructor
> Yes, the default constructor is @disabled BUT I am not using that one. I  
> want to use the other one - the custom constructor. I guess it signals  
> an error because it has those defaults parameters. But shouldn't the  
> compiler choose that one?

You *are* using the default one. The one without parameters *is* the
default constructor, and you are calling the constructor without  

One could argue that the compiler should choose the other constructor, and
even that having default constructors is reasonable. However, D has gone
the route of not having default constructors for structs. Instead,
structs are defined to be trivially constructible from T.init.

The workaround is to use static opCall:

struct Scene
	Array!Surface objects;
	Array!Light lights;
	/*private*/ BVHNode root;
	@disable this();
	this(size_t objectReserveSpace = 20, size_t lightReserveSpace = 3)

	static Scene opCall(size_t objectReserveSpace = 20, size_t  
lightReserveSpace = 3)
		return Scene(objectReserveSpace, lightReserveSpace);

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