@property - take it behind the woodshed and shoot it?

Timon Gehr timon.gehr at gmx.ch
Thu Jan 24 15:04:20 PST 2013

On 01/24/2013 10:24 PM, Adam Wilson wrote:
> ...
> All I can say is that in this case even with UFCS C# enforces parens
> because it's syntactically clear. Yes, it might be slightly annoying to
> have to type the (), but that's how you define a function in every other
> language. A shortcut with side-effects isn't a short-cut, it's a bug
> factory.

It is not a shortcut, it is a formatting option, and using it does not 
have side effects.

> And to be honest, once the language spec settles down tools
> like ReSharper/VisualAssist/etc. can take care of the extra parens.

Tools will be configurable to highlight certain constructs anyway.

> I hand type a small fraction of the parens that actually appear in my C#
> code.

It is about reading, not typing.

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