@property - take it behind the woodshed and shoot it? - writefln

Andrei Alexandrescu SeeWebsiteForEmail at erdani.org
Sat Jan 26 05:39:05 PST 2013

On 1/26/13 2:50 AM, Philippe Sigaud wrote:
> As for DSL, well, I have a parser generator project here
> (https://github.com/PhilippeSigaud/Pegged), and I recently added the
> capacity to add new rules to a grammar at runtime and modify the
> resulting parse tree. I also used the existent, but unused macro
> keyword in D to get source code that can define its own subsequent
> grammar and parse tree transformations.
> Oh, and grammars can call one another, so adding a new sublanguage to
> a parent language is doable (I use this from time to time). I still
> have weeks fo work on this to have it reach the level I want, but I
> did not hit any wall up to now.
> So adding clean-looking DSL can be done in D, I think.
>> I am sure that your "stab at it" does not show any intent to
>> approach the general problem.
> No, indeed :) Since it's a recurring question here, I just showed it
> could be done. It's also a simple example of what can be done with D
> meta-programming capacities.

Looking forward to your talk? :o)


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