Incorporating D

deadalnix deadalnix at
Sat Jan 26 07:53:10 PST 2013

On Saturday, 26 January 2013 at 10:52:59 UTC, Rainer Schuetze 
> On 26.01.2013 11:40, Johannes Pfau wrote:
>> Yes, I just wanted to point out a common source for such bugs, 
>> it's not
>> the GC's fault. It's great that the documentation of toStringz 
>> mentions
>> that issue. What I meant is most of the time we use 
>> toStringz() like
>> this:
>> string str;
>> c_function(str.toStringz());
>> This is only valid if c_function doesn't store the pointer, 
>> but newbies
>> might miss that and just copy this nice looking example code 
>> for other
>> c functions. There's nothing we can do about that though, 
>> interfacing
>> to C just is a little bit dangerous.
> It is even dangerous if it is only used temporarily during that 
> function call, but copied elsewhere in the C heap and cleared 
> on the stack:
> struct param_struct { const char* name; };
> void c_function(const char*p)
> {
> 	param_struct* ps = new param_struct;
> 	ps->name = p;
> 	p = 0;
> 	doSomething(ps);
> 	delete ps;
> }
> Imagine a garbage collection while executing doSomething...

That isn't an issue as the pointer will e found at upper level in 
the stack anyway.

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