New std.process?

simendsjo simendsjo at
Wed Jan 30 13:53:25 PST 2013

On Saturday, 20 October 2012 at 18:17:31 UTC, Alex Rønne Petersen 
> It's time for the periodic new std.process ping. ;)
> Seriously, though, what's the state of it? Can we get it into 
> the review queue soon? It would be great to have it in 2.060.

I just created a small script using std.process, and the *pain*.. 
Took a look at the new std.process which easily lets you spawn a 
process using custom stdin/out/err, get the result etc.etc.. 
Looks a lot better than what we currently have.

Unfortunately, it needs some druntime changes, so I couldn't just 
plug it in without building dmd myself.

So.. Ping? :) Inclusion in 2.062?

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