Current version of D.

Joseph Rushton Wakeling joseph.wakeling at
Sat Jul 6 00:12:55 PDT 2013

On Saturday, 6 July 2013 at 01:30:49 UTC, Jonathan M Davis wrote:
> No, but what's there is mostly correct. There are a few things 
> that aren't yet
> implemented quite as described in TDPL (e.g. we don't have 
> multiple alias
> this-es yet, and synchronized still is at a function-level 
> instead of at a
> class level like TDPL describes), and there are probably a 
> couple of things
> that have changed since the book was released (e.g. the book 
> describes
> strongly pure functions, but we now also have weakly pure 
> functions), but it's
> almost all correct. So, while I'm sure that there will be a new 
> edition
> eventually, there's not a lot of point in releasing another one 
> at this point.

Are the differences from TDPL documented anywhere? Might be worth 
having a page on the wiki or the main website.

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